Thursday, January 8, 2009

Step 6

Activity evaluation and study of future activity methods :

- Evaluate past activities, and examine the extent to which the skill required for each job or position have been cultivated by each person.

Step 5

Creation of self enlightening environment :

- Provide weak points perceived in the evaluation through self enlightenment, thereby improving capabilities.

Step 4

Establishment and evaluation of a system for developing and nurturing capabilities:

-Self evaluation.
-Skill evaluation by superior.

Step 3

Execution of operation and maintenance skill development.

-Setting the educational curriculum
like maintenance skill education curriculum for Basic course, beginner’s course, intermediate course & advanced course.
-Lessons plans and preparation of training material.
-Preparation of classroom.
-Preparation of training models , cut models, sample models.
-Execution of education.
-One Point lesson

Step 2

Establishing of a training system for operation and maintenance skill development.

Make Education & Training system for the new join employee, OJT, Off JT, Maintenance Education system, Self development, operators operation skill etc..

Step 1

Setting of principles and priority measures based on confirmation of the present status of training.

-This step includes understanding of the present status of the skill level of each job unit & each individual.
-Clarification of “ Basic principles” , “Aim of activities” & “Priority steps of activities” regarding Education & Training.

Six Step Implementation for E&T Pillar

Step 1 : Setting of principles and priority measures based on confirmation of the present status of training.
Step 2 : Establishing of a training system for operation and maintenance skill development.
Step 3 : Execution of operation and maintenance skill development.
Step 4 : Establishment and evaluation of a system for developing and nurturing capabilities.
Step 5 : Creation of self enlightening environment.
Step 6 : Activity evaluation and study of future activity methods